Guanacaste Costa Rica is one of the country’s seven provinces. Located in the Northwest side of the country and famous for its white sandy beaches, this region has much more to offer than white sand and waves.
Costa Rica would not be the same without it, for it is here where we find elements of great importance to the folklore of the nation. The marimba music, their dances and their “tortillas palmeadas” enrich the lives of locals and lift spirits of visitors.
Pottery made in the ancient Chorotega tradition from baked clay is sold throughout the country, but comes primarily from the small Guanacaste town of Guaitil. The Chorotegas (indigenous people now extinct) used the same methods thousands of years ago.
The province is named after the national tree which has its origin in this region.
Guanacaste is home to one of the last remaining tropical dry forests, the most threatened ecosystem in Central America with only two percent of its original coverage. It also has volcanoes, natural lagoons where tourists can swim peacefully and even hot springs. Guancaste Costa Rica is all about the tourism, with hotels of all categories and tour operators that allow experiences as diverse as diving trips, snorkeling, fishing, natural history walks, bird watching and turtle nesting, boating, surfing, rafting, horseback riding , canopy and rappel.
It is easy to get there. Liberia, the capital of the province has its own international airport.
Consider a visit to Guanacaste Costa Rica and experience its ancient traditions and gorgeous beaches!
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