Moving your life to a foreign country can be a harrowing endeavor. And that’s especially the case for acute worry-warts!
Here’s a post on 10 things newbie Costa Rica expats worry about designed to help those who tend to get too anxious about all the “little” things that could go wrong…
1. Theft
Yes, there’s theft in Costa Rica. It’s even more common in locations where tourism is the main economic driver. However, is it something to “worry” about? In short, no. Now one should take precautions. Most thefts in Costa Rica are crimes of opportunity. So, give them less of it, duh! How? Well, use your common sense and I’m sure you can come up with something.
2. Septic Tanks
I wish I had a dollar for every time a gringo asked me a load of questions about the damn septic tank. Yes, virtually all homes in Costa Rica have them. I’m not going to go into the details. After all, I’m no expert when it comes to shit disposal. However, I do know that those of us who’ve lived here a while spend about zero amount of time worrying about our septic tanks!
3. Weather
This is something you should pay attention to when making your initial decision about where to settle in Costa Rica. However, once you’ve made that decision, it’s time to stop worrying about it! And if you find that the weather where you are doesn’t suit you, well then, move. Many end up doing just that, at least once.
4. Language
The official language of Costa Rica is Spanish. Your best approach is to try learning a little of it. No, you don’t need to be “fluent” and probably never will be. But at least you can be mildly conversational. Your life will go easier and be more enjoyable if you can carry on a conversation with a tico, especially one you need to do some business with. Having said that, many expats never learn more than a few words. Even so, they get along just fine. So, don’t worry about it!
5. Cost of Living
This is perhaps the hottest topic on most Costa Rica expat related Facebook groups. There you will find a billion opinions on the subject. I myself have written about it. Bottom line, the cost of living in Costa Rica is NOT as high or higher than the U.S., or Canada, or Europe. However, the cost of certain items is higher! The two concepts should not be conflated, as they often are. Just because an Iphone, or a jar of Hellman’s Mayonnaise, costs more in Costa Rica doesn’t automatically mean the overall cost of living is higher. Like I’ve said before, if you can’t get by in Costa Rica for less money than it costs to live in the U.S., you’re doing something wrong.
6. Boredom
I hate the very word, always have. It boggles my mind that anyone could be bored in a country so filled with diversity…of people, plants, animals and landscapes, as well as things to do amongst them. If you begin to feel a little bored, just open your eyes, or get them off of yourself, and look around you! No one should ever be “bored” in Costa Rica, by god.
7. Banking
Costa Rican national banks suck, for the most part. But no reason to worry about it. It’s just one of those flows of life you have to go with. Here’s a little tip: the best bank for expats is BCT, hands down!
8. Medical Issues
Costa Rica has great medical care, but not necessarily everywhere. If you are someone moving here with medical issues, you should take that into account. You can’t expect to live in some remote jungle area and expect to find a hospital of the quality of CIMA close by. Also, Costa Rica has “socialized” medical care. For those of you who tend to swing to the right politically, that might be offensive to you. That is, until you need a trip to the nearest emergency room!
9. Cultural Issues
One could write a book about the cultural differences between Costa Rica and the U.S. of A. Suffice it to say that life down here moves at a much slower pace. For some that might be disconcerting. For others, quite pleasurable. But it’s just the way it is and no amount of worrying will ever change it. In fact, the more you worry about those cultural differences, the more they will provide legitimate reasons to actually worry! It’s a paradox here that the successful expats learn to live with and respect.
10. Was It a Bad Decision?
All of the above topics of constant gringo worry can give rise to that nagging question that lingers in your subconscious…did I make the biggest mistake of my life by moving here?
Yes, you very well might have. However, worrying about it incessantly could end up becoming a self-fulfilled prophecy.
10.5 Politics Back Home
More and more expats are moving to get away from political strife back home. And then all they want to do once here is…take a wild guess…bitch and moan about politics back home. That threatens to turn the place they moved to into the one they moved from. So, please don’t do that! There’s nothing wrong with being concerned and paying attention, but constantly worrying about it is not necessary nor conducive to the “pura vida” life you and others similarly situated are seeking.
Honorable Mention: Critters
Costa Rica has them in abundance. Some are best avoided. However, the degree of diversity, in flora AND fauna (which probably includes some creepy crawlers you wish it didn’t), is something to be marveled at, not worried over!
As for me, my decision to move to Costa Rica, made some 20 years ago, has probably been the best one I’ve ever made. It has certainly changed the course of my life. Over those years I have admittedly spent an undue amount of time worrying about many of the things on the above list…
And I’ve learned, the hard way, that none of it is worth worrying about…
That might be the lesson that has allowed me to make it through two decades, “relatively” unscathed…
Pura Vida!
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